The Communication Director at the presidency Kofi Anyidoho, during an interaction with the Press over the weekend confirmed that the President, John Evans Atta Mills is preparing to go on leave.
He said that the date for the commencement of the two weeks leave would be announced anytime soon.
While on leave, Mr. Anyidoho noted that President Mills plans to spend part of his leave in Ghana and the other part in the United States of America.
He also emphasized that President’s leave was not going to affect government affairs in anyway. “Though President Mills will be away from office for a while, he would constantly be in touch to give instructions on issues concerning the country” he said.
In an attempt to explain why the President needs to take a break, Mr. Anyidoho explained that the Judiciary takes its legal vacation whiles Parliament also goes on recess annually and therefore it is right for President to also to take a break once in a while. “After using the time to cool off, President Mills will come back refreshed and fully energized to continue running the affairs of the country” he said.
About a year and a half ago since President Evans Atta Mills resumed office, his upcoming leave would be his first and he looks forward to spend each day trying to think about his Better Ghana Agenda.
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