The face of the Enoch Lamptey-Mills was beaming with smiles when he heard all charges against him had been dropped by the Attorney-General on Tuesday.
The Proprietor of the Great Lamptey-Mills was immediately released from police custody following the withdrawal of the case against him by the office Attorney-General’s.
His lawyer Bannerman Williams revealed that Lamptey-Mills was released in court without any reasons from the A-G's office.
However, information reaching indicates that the A-G's office withdrew of the case, follows claims by the alleged victim and principal witness in the case, Priscilla Adjei that she was not raped but consented to sex with the accused.
Priscilla was supposed to be a minor when she got pregnant; resulting in a child for who she says Lamptey-Mills is caring for.
commenting on the release, she said “Yeah I am very happy that he is coming home, in fact we are all happy here and we are celebrating for his home coming because he did nothing wrong and justice has prevailed so we are all happy. He is okay, I spoke with him and he said everything is a challenge”.
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